What a book. I listened to it all the way through in almost one day. It is 8 hours long. I spent Tuesday December 1, 2020 with Andrew Sean Greer. His story of Arthur Less will live with me forever probably. It is nearly a perfect work. Not just because I read it all in one day, but it felt like this book arrived to him fully formed. It was so quick, so effortlessly told, that it seems sort of like I was constantly waiting from him to begin the difficult portion of the book, but it never came. The love that he lost in the beginning of the book, the echoes of the former love that sort of lived in the way of the other one, all seemed to keep him sort of lost in between the two poles that everything else sort of just drifted through in an alluring way. There is some of the sort of cleverness of the work that I want to overlook because there is the essential portions of the book when Greer is talking about genius or literature or art that in an older novel would just sort of straightforward...
A Random Number Generator A Spreadsheet A Reader Follow along as I work through the classics of literature, poetry, short stories, essays, whatever is in the Peguin and Norton canons plus some other stuff they are missing.