This book was not what I expected. I don’t know what I expected. I was sure going into it that it would be different from the Disney portrayal of the character. I had heard that it was darker than the Disney or modern portrayals, but even with that in view, this book was different than I was able to anticipate. I loved this book, plainly and taking into account the full view of history that surrounds it. I wept at the end. I have cried often at the end of books. Books That Have Moved Me Deeply Frankenstein – I could not stop thinking about for days afterward. I loved that book deeply and truly in a way that I have not loved often in my life. Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch – this book got to me. I hated it, really did not enjoy quite a lot of this book, but ultimately it got to me. The scene with his mother in the end just hit me right in the heart. W. Somerset Maugham – Of Human Bondage – Not even at ...
I felt the snake bite here of wandering to far afield from the original intention of this project. I had a very underdeveloped list of ancient writings in one of the segments of the Small Works List. Because of this, I thought that I should find some way of coming to terms with this lacking in the list and find a way to fold in a more robust catalog of the literature of the ancient world. I have studied Christian theology and Church history at the graduate level and so I thought I might have some sense of what might be hiding behind this veil but I was woefully mistaken at my purchase into this arena. I was confronted by this with the issue of simply getting my hands on a readable copy of this text. I am not sure where I went to flesh out these category, but I had a smattering of readings especially from Ancient Egypt on the same list as the Greeks. The time frame that these things exist in are as far away as modern American writings are from early Christian writings and so ...